Thank you for your continual support of the Foundation and the Scholarship fundraising.
Now, more than ever, we need your support. As many people struggle with growing concerns about world health issues, we must remember our gift of HOPE.
We began the scholarship fundraising “Project Lighthouse” last year. It is a reminder that we are that beacon of HOPE; to grow attendance at conventions, to provide a source of college funds for students and to build a spirit of self-confidence and courage. Take a look at your convention pictures of family, friends and yourself and recall that feeling.
Lighthouses symbolize the way forward and help in navigating our way through rough waters whether those waters be financial, personal, business or spiritual in nature. Nothing else speaks of safety and security in the face of adversity and challenge quite the way a lighthouse does.
In the past years we have set up the foundation:
- Required registration, the bylaws, policies, certifications, brochures
- Four new convenient methods of donating, online resource, web-site pages and social media
- Innovative donation methods have proven to be successful at reaching new donors like Corporate matching funds and social media participants not directly involved in the organization
We continue to receive personal donations for all administration, marketing, tax, accounting and legal services to operate this organization
The scholarship fundraising goals have been to increase the number of recipients and the amount granted to each recipient. We will continue to build on these initiatives to exceed our lofty goals.
We are dependent on you, our generous sponsors and fundraisers.
Project Lighthouse continues to build on Memorial, Alumni and Corporate giving. We need your experience, time and energy to support and expand these initiatives. Please contact me to get involved today.
Continue to be that Beacon of Hope!
Robert J. Antoon
Midwest Federation Foundation Inc.
Mobile Phone: (331)330-7168