Serving the Greater Cleveland area since 1929, the Lebanese Syrian American Junior League (LSAJL) is a 501(c)(3) organization comprised of women of Lebanese or Syrian heritage, by birth or marriage, who work together to better our community through volunteerism. We are proud of our history and the impact we have had on the local community.
The mission of the League calls for our officers and Board “To encourage its members to participate and establish funding for the furtherance of education and charitable activities.” To this end, we have long-established scholarship and welfare programs, and host several social activities throughout the year to foster camaraderie.
In support of our welfare initiatives, members give of their time, talents and monetary donations to offer aid to those less fortunate. Fun runs, walks, volunteering at holiday events, fundraising and opportunities to donate items such as homemade blankets, toiletries or school supplies to local organizations are often combined with social gatherings, including wine tastings and retreats.
The jewel of our community activism, however, is the LSAJL’s 60 year old scholarship program. League members donate, seek funding for, and oversee the distribution of scholarship dollars to area high school seniors and undergraduate college students. As of the year 2019, the League will have distributed a quarter million dollars in scholarships to assist students in reaching their academic goals. While at its inception scholarships were awarded to students in Lebanon and Syria, today’s awards are restricted to students in the Greater Cleveland area. .
The League’s 90 years of contribution to the fabric of the Greater Cleveland ethnic community has also been recognized by the Western Reserve Historical Society of Cleveland, the city’s oldest existing cultural institution. The WRHS has taken custody of and archived photos, meeting minutes, financial reports, newspaper clippings, correspondence, event programs and scrapbooks that document the League’s proud history of helping women and families of Lebanese and Syrian background to assimilate in America while honoring their heritage and preserving their cultural traditions.
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